Focus: Avoid Assumptions


Text: Act.2:15

"For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day."

On this first day of the new year, make up your mind that you are not going to live your life based on hearsay, assumptions and presumptions about people and things. Also understand that appearances are deceptive. Things are not always as they appear. Don't be in a haste to make conclusions about people. Appearances lure us to false conclusions about others.

Peter, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, is disabusing the minds of those who thought that the disciples were drunk in the early hours of the morning. Peter says in essence, 'This is not booze, but the Holy Spirit. It is too early in the day to be drunk. This is God fulfilling 800 years old prophecy of Joel. The Holy Spirit has entered our space and lives in us now. This is a new dawn, and the era of the Spirit of God has just begun.'

Get your facts right and be driven by divine certainties. Make room for a true knowledge of God in your life and be a part of what God is doing in the world.

by Bishop Moses E. Peter