Focus: Christ Nailed It!
Text: Col.2:14
"Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, NAILING IT to his cross."
The ordinances that convicted us… The accusation papers… Our sins, sufferings, sicknesses, sorrows… All our foes - He has nailed that is against us to His cross. The cross of Christ is indeed the coffin in which everything that has been against us has been buried forever.
There is this story of a scoffer who during the early days of the church, mocked a young Christian as he enquired, "What is your carpenter from Nazareth doing now?" The young man boldly replied, "Making a coffin for your emperor." That answer was really spot on! Truly the cross of Christ is that coffin in which the evil emperor, Satan, is buried. Paul says, "And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it" (Col.2:15). The 'it' in this verse refers to the cross of Christ.
The cross is the end of the old and the beginning of the new.
It is the end of sin and the beginning of righteousness. It is the end of suffering and sorrow, and the beginning of prosperity and pleasure. The cross seals the doom of the devil and of death, and guarantees the freedom and security of all who believe in Christ.
On the cross of Christ, death ends and life begins. Jesus Christ nailed all the evils and devils to, and ended it all by means of His cross.
The cross of Christ is God's decisive and final answer to all our human problems, be it moral, spiritual, social, physical, or material. Christ absolutely and perfectly nailed it for us. The cross is the fundamental principle of our faith. We prevail over Satan by the blood of the Lamb. We conquer also by the word of our testimony.
Let us settle it in our consciousness that Christ has nailed it for us! We have been redeemed from our sins and restored to the path of glory. By means of the cross we have been brought back to the place of the original, that is, life as God originally designed it. Through the cross we have regained our God-kind of life, personal liberty, image-bearing ability and moral authority. Amen!
by Bishop Moses E. Peter