Focus: Divine Nature



"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the DIVINE NATURE, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."

We considered the subject of human nature the last time, and now, let us focus on the divine nature.

Peter talks about the Christian sharing the divine nature. How do we explain or describe the divine nature? The Lord Jesus describes it as being 'born again' and being 'born of the Spirit.' Peter describes the divine nature as being born again by the incorruptible seed of the word of God, which lives and abides forever. John says we are born of God and His seed remains in us. He says the new nature is incapable of sinning. In Acts of the Apostles, it is described as a 'conversion.' James uses the word 'begat.' Peter calls it 'begotten.' Paul calls it by several terms: regeneration, new creature, new man, and being transformed.

As regenerated persons, we have the divine gene in us. As the new creation, we are brand new species that have never existed before. As born again people, our new birth originates from heaven. As those born of the Spirit, we are born of God by the agency of the Holy Spirit. I can go on and on.

Divine power makes possible divine nature in us. By the sure promises of God as realized in Christ we now can share or partake in the divine nature. Divine nature means that man can now live like God. It is the implanting of the divine seed in man. Divine nature is human nature at its best. It is the divine capacity imparted to man to live in God's realm.

The divine nature is made possible by the indwelling Christ. As the Son of God became the Son of man, even so the sons of men can now become the sons of God in Christ.

John says, "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world… We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not…and that wicked one toucheth him not." We win the battles and temptations of life from our new nature. We resist the devil and stay on top of things from that realm of divine reality.

The divine nature possesses the righteousness of God. Fellowship with God is made possible by the divine nature and by it we are fitted for eternity. Eternal life flows from that divine nature. And as we mature into the new nature we are being transformed from glory to glory and conformed into the image of Christ. It is like the process of a cocoon metamorphosing into or becoming a butterfly.

Let us embrace the divine nature and rise to that level where divine possibilities abound. Let us rise above our fallen nature and yield ourselves fully to our divine nature, which was made possible by the Spirit's power.

Scriptures: (1Pet.1:23; 1Jh.5:4,18; Tit.3:5; 1Pet.1:3; Jam.1:18; Act.3:19;15:3; 28:27.)

by Bishop Moses E. Peter