Focus: Faith in God or In Science?


Text: Judg.6:34.
"But the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet; and Abiezer was gathered after him."

The church seems to have replaced faith in God with faith in science. We believe more in the experts than we do in God. Hence the powerlessness of the church. We are seeing less of spiritual power because we are looking away from our source of power - the Holy Spirit.

Before Gideon could face and win the battle against the enemy the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. He found himself clothed with God's Spirit. It was then that he blew the trumpet and men rallied around him.

On meeting with God, he was transformed from a fearful man to a powerful warrior. God declares, "The LORD is with thee, thou MIGHTY man of valour... Go in this thy MIGHT, and thou shall save Israel..." - Judg.6:12,14.

Power is a necessity for the Christian. We need spiritual power to live and function in the earth.

*Power to live.

*Power to be and do.

*Power to achieve supernatural feats or success.

*Power to overcome the evil forces.

*Power to win souls for Christ.

Jesus says to the disciples to not step out or do anything until they are filled with the power by the Holy Spirit. Power is constantly associated with the Holy Spirit, next to holiness (Act.1:8).

I pray for a renewed faith in the miraculous power of Christ. There's still balm in Gilead. God remains our healer, not the medical experts. We thank God for the experts, and indeed for science and technology, but we should not let human expertise become a substitute for the power of God. Yes, the medical experts care, but God alone cures!

We have for long limited God enough. It's time to let God be God in our lives. Amen.

by Bishop Moses E. Peter