Focus: Faith is a Verb
Text: Jam.2:20
"But wilt thou know, O vain man, that FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD?"
Real faith is industrious - never idle. Faith in Christ makes us do stuff. Faith proves its reality by its works. Faith makes things happen. Indeed it is known for what it does. True faith shows itself in visible and tangible ways.
Hebrews 11 exposes us to the people of the Old Testament who by faith stepped into the arena of action.
Faith is an action-oriented belief. You can't have faith and not do something. The reality of faith is known by works, not just words. In John's gospel faith occurs consistently in the verbal form - 'believe,' and also, in the Hebrew faith stems from a verb - "And he BELIEVED in the LORD…" (Gen.15:6). So faith is an action word. It provides enough proofs of its existence. Mark 2:5 says, "When Jesus SAW their faith…" Faith is seen in action. Faith cannot hide for long. Faith is more than a noun; it is a verb - an action word.
In Abel faith worships, giving God an excellent offering.
In Enoch faith pleases God, walking faithfully with God.
In Noah faith, stirred by a vision of God and godly fear, builds an ark.
In Abraham faith obeys God, stepping out of the comfort zone in search of an unknown land.
In Sarah faith judges God faithful for His promises.
In Isaac faith sees tomorrow.
In Jacob faith worships from a dying bed.
In Joseph faith keeps hope alive.
In Moses faith sees the invisible and acts accordingly, damning the consequences.
I can go on and on.
*Focuses on God
*Adheres to what God says
*Inspires action
*Takes risks, relying fully on God, and,
*Hopes on the promises of God. Amen.
Our faith in Christ makes us do stuff and also makes us deprive ourselves of stuff. It takes from us the passing pleasures of sin and gives us the lasting pleasures of God. Amen.
by Bishop Moses E. Peter