Focus: Giving Thanks!


Text: Act.28:15

"And from thence, when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appii forum, and The three taverns: whom when Paul saw, he THANKED God, and took COURAGE."

Two things that will help you sail through life and never sink are gratitude and courage - a grateful heart and a daring spirit. Nothing can truly compensate for the lack of these two virtues. They have no substitutes.

Life is full of distressing and discouraging things; and so we need lots of guts and gusto to steer the course and stay afloat. Those who forge ahead in this life must acknowledge the fundamental role that the grace of God plays in their lives. Thanksgiving, therefore, is a celebration of the grace of God.

Thankfulness to God and man is key to a wonderful and healthy life. We benefit daily from the grace of God. By grace we survive life's troubles, we succeed in a rough and tough world, and we surmount the harsh realities of life. Grace is always bailing us out and enabling us to achieve incredible results. 

Grace is the system by which God relates to us. His throne of justice is overlaid with grace.

Grace is the medium by which God discharges and dispenses to us His love, mercy, kindness, goodness, compassion, joy, pardon, and other blessings. Bruce Wilkinson said, "A moment of gratitude makes a difference in your attitude."

Ingratitude is a moral disease; its only cure is a thankful heart and praising lips. Avoid the sin of ingratitude!

The moment Paul sighted his Christian brothers who had come from a long distance to see him, he gave thanks and took courage. This life, in all its ups and downs, twists and turns, requires that we be thankful and courageous. Let us learn to give thanks! Let us celebrate the grace of life!

by Bishop Moses E. Peter