Focus: God At Home
Text: Philemon 1:2."The church in THY HOUSE."
The early church held fellowship from house to house. Individual Christians opened their homes for spiritual worship. Church was a house to house matter. God was real in the homes.
Here in our text, Paul writes to Philemon, whom he describes as "our dearly beloved, and fellow labourer," and to the church in his house. His house was home for God and God's people.
Paul in Romans writes, "Likewise greet the church that is in THEIR HOUSE," and in Col.4:15, he says, "And the church which is in HIS HOUSE" - Rom.16:5; Col.4:15.
The time is here again for the home of every Christian believer to be an altar for God. God wants to feel at home in your house. Wherever you find God, take him home. The heart and home of every believer are Christ's church.
Let the reality and power of Christ be felt from the homes. Let our children and grandchildren grow up in goodly and godly environment.
If God is missing from the homes, it will not be easy to find him anywhere else. Let us not make it hard for anyone to encounter Christ.
O, let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn from the home altars! Let Christ become a living reality in the home. Let the Holy Spirit become the empowering presence in our houses. Let people come to our homes and find God. Let's make God visible and tangible, available and accessible to all who come in contact with us. Amen.
by Bishop Moses E. Peter