Focus: God's Tenderness


Text: Jam.5:11
"The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy."

God is tender to his people.

*As our father he has pity on us - Ps.103:13.

*As our mother he comforts us - Isa.66:13.

*Like a hen he gathers us - Mt.23:37.

*Like an eagle he flutters over us - Dt.32:11.

*As our nurse he cherishes us - 1Thes.2:7.

*As our Shepherd he seeks us - Ezk.34:12.

*As our refiner he sits to refine us - Mal.3:3.

*As our bridegroom he rejoices with us - Isa.62:5.

In different forms and ways God makes us see and feel the sweet impact of his tenderness. God truly cares about you. He is tender. Amen.

by Bishop Moses E. Peter