Here are the odds:
*A hungry crowd, completely out of food.
*Insufficient resources to solve the hunger crisis.
*A desert place far from where people live, and so nowhere around to buy food.
*Late hour in the day, in fact, it's evening already.
Given all the negative facts, the disciples felt it was best to let the people go before it was too late.
They were bereft of ideas and short of means, except to do what they thought was needful, which is to let the people go.
Little did Philip know that the Master was only proving him. He set examination for him, and he failed.
People who focus on facts find it extremely hard to live and operate by faith. Faith sees beyond the facts of life to the truths of God. The Christian believer lives by faith, not by sight. Let's beware of the paralysis of human analysis.
by Bishop Moses E. Peter