Focus: Love So Wonderful!


Text: 2Sam.1:26

"Thy love to me was wonderful."

David pays tribute to his friend Jonathan, and in the tribute he describes Jonathan's love for him as wonderful. 

Now let's consider the word 'wonderful' which in Hebrew is pâlâ. This Hebrew word is severally translated in the King James Version. In Gen.18:14, it is translated as 'too hard.' In Ex.3:20, it appears as 'wonders.' In Ex.34:10, it appears as 'marvels.' In Lev.22:21, it is translated as 'accomplish.' In Lev.27:2, it comes out as 'singular.' In Num.6:2, it is the word 'separate.' In Num.15:3 and 8, it is the word 'performing.' In Dt.30:11, it is the word 'hidden.' In Judg.6:13, it is the word 'miracles,' and in 13:19, it is the word 'wondrously.' In the Psalms it is severally translated as 'marvelous.' 

Putting the whole pieces together you can see that Jonathan's love for David was unique, different, peculiar, singular or separate. It was love so difficult, heavy and costly - a love you could describe as impossible, flowing from one man to another. It was a love not open to all - a hidden away love, love not easily discovered or obtained on the surface level. On meeting David, Jonathan brought to the open that hidden love of the heart. 

It is love that desires and determines to accomplish something awesome for others.

Jonathan's love for David was nothing short of a wonder, a marvel, or a miracle. For David, it was indeed a wonderful experience of love. It is love so unique, evident and astonishing!

David talked with Saul, and in the end we read, "And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul" (1Sam.18:1). This love is a soul thing. It is much more than physical or emotional. It is love that touches on and flows from the entire personality. We read again that "Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul" (1Sam.18:3). 

This is covenant love. There is mutual respect and mutual benefit. It is a bonding love.

We read again, "Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatsoever thy soul desireth, I will even do it for thee" (1Sam.20:4). It is a giving love - love that is willing to do and give anything and everything for the sake of it. It is love so deep, so high, and so broad. It is love that can go all the way for the good of the other. It is a heartwarming love. Look at the degree of the giving: "And Jonathan STRIPPED himself of the ROBE that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his GARMENTS, even to his SWORD, and to his BOW, and to his GIRDLE" (1Sam.18:4). This is total, free, unselfish and sacrificial giving. Jonathan stripped himself. This is love beyond logic.

Finally, we read, "And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul" (1Sam.20:17). What a love! Jonathan loved David the same way he loved himself. No discrimination. No marginalization. It is love on the same wavelength, frequency, quality and quantity.

How is your love life? Is it anything close to the love Jonathan had for David. The love of Jonathan was such that he preferred David over himself. Jonathan was not afraid or ashamed of loving David. We didn't even read of David loving Jonathan, but Jonathan was not in the very least bothered about that. He did not mind loving David freely and fully. What is the ratio of your love when compared to that of Jonathan? 

I pray you touch someone's life with your love! May you love others to the extent that they are able to describe your love as wonderful, marvelous, or miraculous! I pray that your love will be the miracle that someone has been looking for! Someone is in need of your love. Self-stripping love is needed once again in our world - love so wonderful!

by Bishop Moses E. Peter