Focus: Making The Best Decision


Text: Lk.10:42

"Mary has chosen the better part."

For the Christian, choices are only right if God endorses or approves of them. What we call a good idea may not be God's idea. Good is only good if God is in it or behind it. What God sees and says is good may not be so to us because of our grossly imperfect way of looking at life or things.

Martha is busy in the kitchen, preparing food for the Master Jesus while Mary is sitting at the feet of the Master Jesus, listening and absorbing every word that comes out of the Master's mouth. Her soul feels at rest in His presence. The delicacy Christ is dishing out from His mouth is spiritually edible and delicious to her soul's taste. On Martha's part, all is not well. She feels irritated that her sister is not in the kitchen with her. She feels sad laboring without the help of her sister. She is pissed at the fact that even the Master Himself has not deemed it fit to ask Mary to help her sister out in the kitchen. That is like taking offense at the Master Jesus. The Master Jesus essentially tells Martha, 'Your sister Mary has made the best choice. She has done the needful, which is sitting in My presence and taking in every word that I have to say.' Bitter spirit disappears in the presence of God. Mary experiences fullness of joy and pleasures in the presence of Christ. But Martha's case is different.

In making the best of decisions one needs to settle the question of motive, of morality, and of mission.

You must look at the issue of viewpoints - how you view or see life or things, which informs your belief system. You must look at the issue of value - what is your value system, what weight do you attach to things? How do you options or opportunities? What things are you willing to sacrifice for the things you love? What is your order of priority? What comes first and last? In terms of virtue, what do you consider as right and proper in the eyes of God? Is there any virtue in what you are deciding? Ask yourself, 'Who gets the glory in what I do?'

Jesus says to Martha, "Mary has chosen the better part." Martha thought otherwise but Jesus made her see what is of real essence or value from the divine perspective. What God thinks of a thing is what really matters. Our choice is best if it is approved by God. 

What are you choosing? How do you arrive at your decisions? Nothing can take the place of being with Jesus. Even ministry is designed by God to function from the place of His presence, not away from the Lord. If you are going to serve, then do so from the place of His presence. It is possible to be busy about God while being far away from Him. Worship and work must blend together in honor of Christ.

by Bishop Moses E. Peter