Focus: More Of God!
Text: Eph.3:19
"And to KNOW the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be FILLED with all the FULLNESS of God."
The less of God in you the less human you become. What makes you the best of a human being is determined by the space you make available for God in your life. Paul said it a long time ago that Christ in you is the hope of glory.
The book of Genesis tells us that God MADE man, and that tells us right away that man is not self-made, and he can never be. Man is God-made, not self-made nor chance-made. It also tells us that man cannot be man without the God who made him. It takes God to be man, not self. Humanism is, more or less, the dethronement of God and the enthronement of man.
Jesus Christ came into this world as a human being, but He was housing the fullness of God in Him. He allowed God to be God in His life. He made room for God. Everything about Him was about God. He inhaled and exhaled God. Paul declares, "For it pleased the Father that IN HIM should ALL FULNESS dwell…" (Col.1:19). Imagine all the cosmic fullness dwelling in Him! That's amazing! And then Paul goes on to say, "For in him dwelleth ALL THE FULNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY" (Col.2:9). He was here as a human being, yet in His body was lodged the whole fullness of God. In His manhood He manifested God in full. His humanity was the vehicle through which God was conveyed. In His humanity He became the medium for God's manifestation, the vehicle by which men viewed and envisioned God, and the instrument by which He divinely illuminated the world. Through His human body God came to dwell among us. And it is from His fullness that we are ever drawing grace in limitless abundance. John declares, "And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace" (Jh.1:16).
Knowing the love of God in its fullness puts us in the position where we get filled with the fullness of God, and being full of God enables us to become thoroughly human, wholly sane, highly fulfilled, and extremely a blessing to others.
The only path to sanity in this insane world is the path of embracing the fullness of God, enjoying His fullness, and also expressing or manifesting it to others.
We all need more of God in our lives. We can only have more to the extent we are willing to make way for God and let Him fill our entire personal space. O Lord, we need more of you! We make space for you. We give you the right of way. We hunger and thirst for more of You. More and more of You, Lord!
by Bishop Moses E. Peter