Focus: Proof of Possession
Text: Act.8:19."Saying, GIVE ME ALSO THIS POWER, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost."
We live in an age where Christians believe in the power of God, but no proof of possession. We have mental accent of truth without proof of possession in reality.
We talk against the counterfeit, but fail to produce the original. I do firmly believe that the only way to put the counterfeit out of business is for the church to produce or show the original. Peter says, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk" - Act.3:6. Peter had no money, but he was in possession of the power of God.
Truly, the early church possessed power and experienced the reality of it in their own lives and in the lives of others.
Simon the sorcerer knew that whatever power he might have had in the past, that this power possessed by, and manifesting through Peter and John, was indeed different. And he knew he lacked it, and so he desperately desired of it in his own life; the only problem being that he thought it was a sort of power money could buy. No, not at all! Money can't buy the authority of Christ. Money can't buy the Holy Spirit's power. The anointing is not for sale. The mantle is not for merchandising.
In fact, whatever money can buy cannot in any way replace what money cannot buy in our lives and in our spiritual worship.
Where's the power of God in the church today? Is it possible to possess something real and not show proof of it? Where's the evidence of Jesus' power in our lives as believers? Are we not suffering from power failure?
I believe it's time to do 2Chron.7:14. This is a moment of divine urgency for the Holy Spirit's power. It's time to show proof of possession. Real power is absolutely needed in our witness for Christ. Let's not avoid what we are void of - the power of Christ. Amen.
by Bishop Moses E. Peter