Focus: Rectify The Hitches Quickly!


Text: Mk.1:19

"Who also were in the ship mending their nets."

Jesus Christ met Peter and Andrew fishing, and just a little later, he met James and John mending their nets. The truth is: fishing and mending must go together. We need ability to fish and wisdom to mend. We must learn how to take care of our fishing tools.

To mend means to repair and restore. We cannot continue fishing if our tools are damaged or broken.

Are you aware that it is just a small leaking of the ship can sink it, and it is only a matter of time, especially if the leak is not found out and rectified?

In all facets of our life, mending is vital. We cannot afford not to take out any clogs in the wheel of progress. 

We must learn to jettison things that keep us from striving and thriving, and that also includes people who are not going in our direction.

Jonah was called by God to go to Nineveh, but in rebellion he chose to go to Tarshish, meaning that he became a problem to those whose destination was truly Tarshish. The ship in which they sailed was doomed to be storm-wrecked because of the presence of Jonah. There was no amount of decongestion made by the travelers that saved the ship from sinking until they jettisoned Jonah from the ship.

Joshua was unable to overcome the people of Ai until he took Achan out. Achan was the reason Israel suffered defeat in the hands of the people of Ai, because he kept accursed things in his possession. God's people achieved success as soon as they got rid of Achan from their midst. 

Some decisions are very tough to make, but in the interest of our total wellbeing and greater success we must make them. Not to have a choice is to have a choice.

I plead with you to mend your nets, because mending is as important as fishing. The hurting needs healing. The broken needs mending. And there is no going forward until we do just that. Don't keep malice. Don't live a moment in unforgiveness! Always take out the trash fast! Don't pollute your space with bad odors! Don't mess up your life with all the wrong things! Deal with issues and get over them speedily! Don't keep grudges! Don't postpone today's duties for tomorrow!

Don't shift blame! Make sure you leave no junk in your trunk! Trash moral and spiritual toxins from your system! Don't keep the main things of your life unattended to! Attend to them quickly! Don't trivialize the essential! Don't let your anger linger! Trash evil and all the wrong elements quickly! Sanitize your environment and keep the peace! It is said that a stitch in time saves nine. Rectify the hitches quickly!

by Bishop Moses E. Peter