Focus: Singing All The Way!


Text: Ps.138:7

"They shall sing in the ways of the Lord."

This psalm is regarded as the psalm of David, and as a king he was saying to God, "All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth." And he goes to say, "Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD."

David himself says to God, "I will praise thee with my whole heart: BEFORE the GODS will I sing praise unto thee." In other words, 'Looking at the gods in their faces, I will be sing to the Lord my God.' Be proud of the God you serve and whom you belong to. In the midst of the gods sing to your God! Boast of the greatness and worthiness of your God!

Are you not a king under God? Has Christ not made a kingly priest unto Himself? Has your God not crowned you with glory and honor to represent Him upon the earth? Are you not God's image-bearer and the crown of the whole created order? So sing in the ways of the Lord! Acknowledge that He is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and the emperor of the whole universe!

Amid your challenges and situations, praise Him and sing of His goodness and glory. While walking in the Lord's ways, be singing to Him. Lift Him up! Rejoice in the Lord! Praise His holy name.

It is not enough to pray; you have to praise and sing.

Sing away your sorrows! Sing away your pain! Sing away your worries! Put the devil to shame through praise. Intimidate the hordes of hell through songs of praise to the Lord.

Let the praise of the Lord continually be in your mouth! Praise Him intensely and intentionally!

Don't forget that in this month of February you shall be:







*Respected, and

*Yoked together with Christ.

Praise Him in advance for what He is about to do in your life! Praise Him in His ways! Sing to the Lord for His mercy, lovingkindness and faithfulness! Sing in faith! Sing with hope! Sing for the love you have for Him! Sing with assurance and confidence! Create your miracle through praise! Sing your way out of trouble! Sing away your confusion, doubts and fears! Sing to His glory! Make a joyful noise to the Lord before the gods! Sing boldly and greatly! Magnify the Lord your God and watch Him work wonders in your life! Let the Lord see you singing all the way and in all His ways! Amen!

by Bishop Moses E. Peter