Focus: Sure Word


Text: Heb.13:5
"HE HATH SAID, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."

In God's sure word we find sure hope - "hope in the LORD" (Ps.31:24; 146:5), "hope in his MERCY" (Ps.33:18; 147:11), and "hope in thy WORD" (Ps.49,81,114). God's word is the bedrock for hope.

We join David to pray the Lord to "do as thou hast said" (2Sam.7:25).

*Satan comes to steal the word from us (Mk.4:15), to sow the seed of doubt in the our hearts and wants us to disregard the word (Gen.3:1), and to persecute and afflict us for the word in us (Mk.4:17). And it is with the word and by faith that we resist Satan and ruin him.

*God is true to His word. He says, "I the LORD have said it, I will surely do it" (Num.14:35). Balaam said, "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Num.23:19).

*Take God's word to the bank. God cannot go back on His word, for "he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast" (Ps.33:9).

*God will always do as He has said. Gen.21:1 says, "And the LORD visited Sarah AS HE HAD SAID, and the LORD DID unto Sarah AS HE HAD SPOKEN." He said it and wrought it. His word works.

Finally, the angel announces, "He is not here: for HE IS RISEN, AS HE SAID..." (Mt.28:6). He said it, and He did it. He rose from the dead.

So take God's word seriously and hold unto it firmly. He will neither leave you nor forsake you AS HE HAS SAID. Amen.

by Bishop Moses E. Peter