Focus: The Final Word (Pt.2)


Text: Heb.13:5

"He hath said…"

God has said… His word has the stamp of authority and finality. His word has the ability to create and to cure. So you can bank on it.

God says to Moses, "Is the LORD'S hand waxed short? thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not" (Num.11:23). 

You will see God's word come to pass in your life. The hand of God will execute and accomplish the word of God, and no force or power can stop it.

It is written, "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Num.23:19). God is known for walking the talk. He says it and does it. He makes good His promise. He never says what He cannot do. He says in His word, "I the LORD have said, I will surely do it…" (Num.14:35). He speaks with confidence, certainty and certitude. There is audacity and capacity in His voice. God is verbally reliable and morally dependable. His word is His bond.

All you need is to pray the word. God says to you now, "I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them" (Ezk.36:37). God has made promises to you and requires of you to call upon Him by virtue of His promises. God made great promises to David, and in prayer he said to the Lord, "And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it for ever, and do as thou hast said" (2Sam.7:25). 

Tell God to do as He has said. Pray God to walk the talk in your life.

Another thing you must do is to mark the thief's voice. The Old Serpent is still here, and he is still asking stupid questions to instill doubts in you. Yes, God has said, but this Old Serpent comes by your side to whisper, "Hath God said..?" (Gen.3:1). He tries to cast doubts on the spoken word of God. He comes with a question to instill doubt in your mind and make you doubt what you know is true.

Satan is the thief of the word. In the parable of the sower, the Lord Jesus Christ says, "Then cometh THE DEVIL, and TAKETH AWAY THE WORD out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved" (Lk.8:12). 

God's word is meant for you to believe and be saved, but the devil comes to steal the word from your heart, making it impossible for you to believe and be saved.

Luke calls him the devil. In Mark, Jesus Christ says, "When they have heard, SATAN cometh IMMEDIATELY, and TAKETH AWAY THE WORD that was sown in their hearts" (Mk.4:15). Mark calls him Satan. He steals the word in your heart. In Matthew, Christ says, "When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then COMETH THE WICKED ONE, and CATCHETH AWAY that which was sown in his heart" (Mt.13:19). Matthew calls him the wicked one - the devil, Satan, and the wicked one. Satan is everything evil. He is the personification of evil. He can't afford not to be or do evil. He is the believer's sole adversary, and he is absolutely diabolical. He comes to steal the word of God that you fail to understand, so that you will not give it thought to understand it, believe it, and be saved by it. 

The most important thing in your life is the word of God. Without the word of God you become an easy prey to the devil.

Satan uses materialism, worldliness and all other vanities to strangle the word of God in your heart. In Mark, Christ says, "And the CARES of this world, and the DECEITFULNESS of riches, and the LUSTS of other things entering in, CHOKE the word, and it becometh unfruitful" (Mk.4:18). He tries to make the word of God unproductive in your life. He wants the word to lose efficacy in your life, and you must not let that happen. Satan is a liar and a thief. He lies and steals. The word is your wealth and weapon, and he wants to steal it from you and reduce you to a spiritual pauper - a moral destitute, and a spiritual mendicant - a spiritually ignorant and impoverished Christian, having no ability or authority whatsoever. Mark Satan's voice and never give him a listening ear!

Another thing you must do is to declare your faith. Tell yourself what God says. Preach to yourself.

Say like Mary, "Be it unto me according to thy word" (Lk.1:38). Claim the promises of God! Take it to heart and apply it to your life!

Finally, act on the word of God! Do the word! Obey the divine command! Tell yourself, like Peter, "Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net" (Lk.5:5). Step out in faith! Walk in obedience! Launch your net into the deep according to God's word!

He has said it, and that settles it. Take God's word to the bank! It's a treasure to cherish and keep. God's word is final. Stake your life for it!

by Bishop Moses E. Peter