Focus: The Ideal Church
Text: Act.4:31-35
What was once an actual church is now an ideal church. Practical side of the faith is missing. We are more into words than deeds. We are lofty in doctrine but low in deeds. We say more and act less. In Christ the word became flesh, but today, the church is reverting back to word. Incarnational Christianity is scarce. Visible and tangible faith has been placed on hold. We seem to have settled for nominal and confessional faith - all lips and no life. Our belief is only minimally in agreement with our behavior. Christ is said to be "mighty in deed and word." As far as Christ was concerned, deed preceded word. Deed and word are bound together in Jesus Christ.
Marks of a healthy church:
Luke writes, "And when they had PRAYED, the place was shaken where they were assembled…" (Act.4:31). This is an earthquake kind of prayer. Jacques Ellul reminds me that "prayer holds together the shattered fragments of the creation. It makes history possible" - and I would say, divine history. God's house should be known as the house of prayer for all nations. They possessed a praying spirit.
Luke says, "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost…" (Act.4:31). Christ's church is a powerhouse. In the modern church only very few are filled with the Spirit; many are empty and devoid of the Spirit. Micah says, "I am full of power by the Spirit of God…" The Spirit gives us the power to do the works of God. No Spirit, no power!
*Sound and strong witness
Luke continues, "And they spake the word of God with boldness" (Act.4:31). They witnessed mightily for Christ and preached the word audaciously. They gave a strong and sound witness for the Lord. What a sound and solid testimony in the name of Jesus Christ!
Luke tells us that "the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul…" (Act.4:32). There was oneness of spirit. What a united and unified assembly! They accepted each other and rose above their personal differences. They focused on Christ, not on themselves.
Luke declares, "Neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things in common" (Act.4:32). This was a benevolent church. This true biblical communism.
*Powerful testimony
We read that "with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus…" (Act.4:33). The apostles had mega power. They testified of Christ with incredible dynamism. Power flowed as they ministered the word. The anointing was present to heal.
Luke acknowledged that "great grace was upon them all" (Act.4:33). Great power! Great grace! The Holy Spirit filled all of them as they prayed, and here also, grace was on all of them. No one lacked grace. They all flowed with grace. This is the grace that makes holiness possible. Grace is a divine ability to discharge divine responsibility. They all had the Spirit and they all had grace.
*Power in action
Luke writes, "And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles… And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people…" (Act.2:43; 5:12). God used the apostles in working miracles. The Greek word for miracle is dunamis, which is the word for power. So miracles are God's power in action. The real church possesses God's power for the miraculous. Through the church people experience the demonstration of the supernatural power of God.
The Spirit that came upon all of them is called the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of holiness. To be filled with the Holy Spirit means having inside of us the One who enables us to live holy. The church is holy. We are a holy nation or people.
Luke says, "And great fear came on all them that heard these things… And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things… And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them" (Act.5:5,11,13). Purity is power. The holiness of God was at home in the church. Evil was not tolerated. There was little or no room for moral compromise. Outsiders valued and respected the church.
A church can appear flashy, but without being healthy, entertaining, but without being spiritual. In Christ's church charisma and character belong together.
I pray: let the church be the church! Let Christ be glorified in His church! Let the Spirit have full control of the church! Let the anointing flow freely and fully! Amen!
by Bishop Moses E. Peter