Focus: The Spirit's Fire (Pt.1)


Text: Mt.3:11

"He shall baptize you with the HOLY GHOST, and with FIRE."

Jesus initiates and immerses us into the Holy Spirit. He is our baptizer. The word 'baptism' was used for dyeing materials, whereby a white piece of cloth loses its color and takes on the color of the dye itself. Change takes place in us when the Holy Spirit enters our lives. Nothing remains the same. We are supernaturally initiated, changed, empowered and galvanized.

*The experience of the Spirit

Luke tells us, "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were SITTING… And there appeared unto them CLOVEN TONGUES like as of FIRE, and it SAT upon each of them" (Act.2:2,3).

The disciples experienced heaven in a new way on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit came upon them, entered and infused them with power.

They were SITTING in the Upper Room, waiting on God. The Spirit then came in the form of fire, and SAT on each disciple. No one was left out.

*The effect of the Spirit

Now see the effect of the spiritual fire on them! "But Peter, STANDING UP WITH the eleven, lifted up his voice…" (Act.2:14). You see that? They were sitting before the Holy Spirit came. Now they are standing. No one ever sits still with fire burning inside or upon him. Peter is now emboldened. Peter can't keep quiet anymore. The fearful disciples are now bold and courageous. Once sitting, but now they are standing. That's spiritual fire! We need the Upper Room fire of the Holy Spirit. We need a personal Pentecost. The church is in desperate need of the baptism of spiritual fire. We are in dire need of a sound from heaven and the fresh and mighty wind of the Spirit. We need the Spirit and His fire.

The church is too cold, or should I say, lukewarm. The Spirit seems missing in our lives and in virtually all we do. And how can we function efficiently and effectively without the unction of the Holy Spirit?

*The need to have the fire back.

The First Century Church had it, and we need it now. Paul tells Timothy, "Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou STIR up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands" (2Tim.1:6). The word 'stir' is 'anazopureo' in the Greek. It's a compound word of 'ana,' up or again; 'zoon,' live or animate; and 'pur,' fire. Put together, it means to ignite afresh, to rekindle, or to get back the fire - to enliven or animate. Paul is calling on us to get the fire back. The gifts of the Spirit in us are inoperative and nonfunctional for loss of fire.

Where's the fire of the Holy Spirit in the church today? O, how we are in dire need of the fire and heat that the Spirit brings! O Lord Jesus, baptize us afresh with the fire of your Holy Spirit! Give us your Spirit and your fire - the Spirit of pure passion and holy piety! Ignite our souls. Grant us pardon and power. You are all we need - nothing less, nothing more, and nothing else. Just you, Lord! Amen.

by Bishop Moses E. Peter