Focus: The Spirituality Of Hospitality
Text: Heb.13:2
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
It is abnormal to be spiritual and not manifest a hospitable spirit. A person can be hospitable without being spiritual, but it is a contradiction in terms for someone to be spiritual without being hospitable. I am simply underscoring the point that spirituality and hospitality belong together.
God wants you to display the spirit of hospitality to people you don't even know - people who are not of your tribe or race and who do not speak your language or have the same accent as you. The Scripture says, "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith" (Gal.6:10). Make people feel at home in your presence! Open your arms to others! Let people feel the warmth of your love!
In your lack, give. In your need, sow a seed. In your pain, be a blessing. In your anger, don't forget to be merciful. In your grief and discomfort, comfort and encourage others. As you bleed, bless. Even in your moment of weakness, you can strengthen someone else.
Even with tears in your eyes you can make another laugh. Don't let your own need blind you from seeing the needs of others. This life is not about you alone. The other person is as important as you if not more.
Always learn to step out of your comfort zone to help someone else! Practice hospitality faithfully and passionately. Be kind to people! Be caring and loving! Show compassion even to the undeserving. Spread grace wherever you go. Transmit a graceful spirit. Be good and godly! Goodness and godliness belong together.
Holiness and wholeness cannot be separated, for no one can be whole who is not holy. Whatever the cost, be nice! Stand up for Christ everywhere! Represent Christ on earth and re-present Him to the world around you! Stop misrepresenting Him! Minimize the contradictions and contrasts in your representation and presentation of Christ! Let others see the real Jesus afresh in you and through you!
A question was once posed to the believer in Christ by someone, and the question is: If every member of the church were like you, what would the church be? It is a question you must sincerely answer for yourself. There's need for you to have a change of attitude in the way you treat the things of Christ and His church.
You touch God by being a blessing to others. God moves among men in disguise.
The man you help to meet his need could just be God in disguise or in human form. Make room for others in your life! It is indeed a spiritual thing to be hospitable and generous.
I charge you to follow the counsel of a sage who said,
"Do all the good you can,
To all the people you can,
In all the places you can,
By all the means you can,
As long as ever you can,
For the sake of Jesus Christ."
Live a life of hospitality and impact others with the spirituality of hospitality.
by Bishop Moses E. Peter