Focus: Things To Know!


Text: Jh.13:17

"IF ye know these things, happy are ye IF ye do them."

There are no less than four classes or categories of 'if' in the Greek. The first 'if' in our text is known as first class condition, which in most cases can translate as 'since' - 'Since you know these things.' When Satan said to Jesus Christ, "IF you are the Son of God…," the IF implies 'since' - "Since you are the Son of God…" Satan had an idea of Jesus' identity. He was not in doubt of who Christ was, at least to a certain extent.

What are the things you know for sure and what are you doing with the things you know? Are you doing far less than what you know? Knowledge rightly applied makes you not just knowledgeable but wise. So I ask again, what do you know and what are you doing about what you know?

Let me give you more things to know. Are you aware, according to Ollie Mitchel, that the Greatest Handicap is Fear? The Best Day is Today - the Easiest thing to do is to Find Fault - the Most Useless Asset is Pride - the Greatest Mistake is Giving Up - the Greatest Stumbling Block is Egotism - the Greatest Comfort is Work Well Done - the Most Disagreeable Person is the Complainer - seeing every solution as a problem - the Worst Bankruptcy is Loss of Enthusiasm - the Best Teacher is the One Who Makes You Want To Learn - the Greatest Need is Common Sense - the Meanest Feeling is Regret at Another's Success - the Best Gift is Forgiveness - the Greatest Knowledge is God - and the Greatest Thing in the World is Love.

Know these things and act on them. Let your attitude and lifestyle be informed and influenced by the knowledge of these things.

Know also that humility is the path of honor and greatness. True greatness is born out of humble service to others.

Jesus Christ as the master stooped to wash the feet of His disciples, and He instructed them to do the same. What He said to them then, He says to us even now. It is not enough to know; we should know and do.

The last 'if' in our text is known as third class condition, which implies uncertainty. In other words, it is the 'if' of doubt. It is certain that you know some things, but it is not certain that you are going to apply or act on the knowledge. Only you can make certain of that. Only you can decide and determine to do what you know.

Don't waste knowledge by living and acting in contradiction with it! Let knowledge guide your choices, actions, attitude, and lifestyle! Daniel declares that those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. O how blessed you are when you know and do!

by Bishop Moses E. Peter