Focus: Use Up Your Power!


Text: 2Kgs.13:21

"And it came to pass, as they were burying a man, that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet."

In the heat of battle a funeral procession was discontinued, and in order to escape invaders or marauders from Moab, they dumped the dead body on Elisha's grave, and as divine providence would have it, the dead body resurrected as soon as it came into touch with Elisha's bones. That was an incredible miracle. Years after he was dead and buried, Elisha's bones still had a heavy anointing lodged in them - such unction that could undo death.

What is even thought-provoking is that Elisha died in sickness. We read, "Now Elisha was fallen sick of his sickness whereof he died… And Elisha died, and they buried him…" (2Kgs.13:14,20). The sickness led to his death. He was full of anointing, but he died a sick man. Then, all of a sudden the anointing in his bones is said to have resurrected, revived, reanimated and revitalized a dead body. In his death he still had life to give, and that life operated through his bones. What a dead prophet with such an undying influence! No affluence about him, only influence. He possessed supernatural aura and supplied spiritual electricity. What he possessed inside of him, he emitted and transmitted to others everywhere he found himself.

I believe that the incident of Elisha's sickness and death teaches us that a man's anointing is given to him by God for the good of others, not necessarily for himself. Is not amazing that years after he died, dregs of power still lodged in Elisha's bones - power that could raise a dead man? 

Indeed God uses his servants how, when, and where He deems fit.

Even in his death, God still used his bones to bless another. Unusual miracle happened with his bones. It was sudden and unexpected. It was indeed a mighty miracle by the grave of Elisha. Resurrection power still resided in his bones years after he was dead and buried.

The anointing of God resident in one's spirit can impact on others by way of body contact, like the laying on of hands. Elijah's anointing worked for Elisha through his mantle. With Elijah's mantle Elisha parted the Jordan River and walked on dry ground. Remember too, that the rods of Moses and Aaron worked miracles. The Spirit's anointing may rub off on one's hands and wears, but we must never make the mistake of thinking that a man can be idolized or venerated because of his anointing. Nothing and no one can take the place of God in our lives. 

No human instrument of God is worthy or deserving of adoration. God alone is the miracle worker; we are only His mediums or channels.

Let's come back to Elisha. Inside Elisha's bones lodged unused power, and indeed, a miraculous energy that could raise a dead man. God wants us to use up our God-given power before we die. We should be totally exhausted for God. Leave nothing undone! Finish your ministry before you die! Die empty! Paul tells Archippus, "Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it" (Col.4:17). Don't go to your grave carrying your anointing with you! Spend and be spent for God right here on earth! Joseph died a fulfilled man. He left nothing undone. He saved lives and preserved a godly posterity, and just before he joined his ancestors he instructed his brothers to carry his bones with them back to Canaan, their land of promise. He believed in the promise of God and in the hope of resurrection. He lived a good life and died a happy and hopeful man.

Endeavor to live a fruitful and a fulfilling life! Don't live like the man in the Lord's parable who having received one talent "went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money" (Mt.25:18). Don't bury your God-given talent or anointing! Put it to use! Refuse going to your grave with unused power! In one of the parables, one said to his lord, "Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin" (Lk.19:20). The word in the Greek used for napkin refers to the towel a working man uses during labor to wipe away his sweat. A lazy man hiding his pound in a laborer's towel! Don't be like him! Use up your energy. Jesus says, "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do" (Jh.17:4). I pray that you finish well and incur no regrets. Paul says, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (2Tim.4:7).

The bones in Ezekiel's vision were very dry, but Elisha's bones had resurrection power in them. Amazingly, while his bones were waiting for the day of resurrection, the residue of power in them quickened a dead body.

We bless God for the bones of Jesus Christ. God never allowed His bones to either be broken or see corruption. His tomb is still empty. No bones in it!

Don't be like Elisha who died without exhausting his anointing! His bones could still raise the dead. He went to his grave with something beneficial to the living. Dregs of power still lodged in his bones even after years he had died.

We have Elijah who lived without dying. Chariots of fire took him away while still alive. But for Elisha, he got sick and died. He was buried, and his body decomposed, and only his bones remained. His death could have occurred two years before this incident. God made us all differently. Elijah was different from Elisha. Even the miracles they performed were different. Elijah didn't die, but Elisha did. Don't compare yourself with others! You're different. Accept that and bless God for your uniqueness. Finish using your anointing before you die! The power God has given you is unusual. Use it to the fullest!

by Bishop Moses E. Peter