Focus: Walk As Light


Text: Eph.5:8
"...walk as children of LIGHT."

Christ changes us radically. We were once DARKNESS, but now we are LIGHT, and for that reason Paul enjoins us, as a matter of divine imperative, to walk as children of light. Light is our new reality. In this world of moral darkness we shine as lights.

Let's walk in the L.I.G.H.T of:


One way we shine as light in the world is by walking in love - love for God and one another. We are love walking the streets. Love marks us out.


Integrity is another way. God wants us to be people of integrity. We keep our word. We choose consistency and shun compromise. Life of integrity shines.

*Good works

We let our light so shine that men see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. By our good works we shine as lights.


Christians should be happy people, living a life that is void of bitterness and rancor. The light of true happiness radiates from us. From prison Paul writes, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again, I say, Rejoice." We radiate joy to the world.


Grateful people shine as light. O, the light of gratitude! Those who feel entitled find it hard to be thankful. Shakespeare says "ingratitude is sin." Grace makes us glow with gratitude.

Let's walk as children of light. Amen.

by Bishop Moses E. Peter