Focus: You Can!


Text: Num.13:30
"Let us go up at ONCE, and possess it; for WE ARE WELL ABLE to overcome it."

You know what? Regardless of the contradictions of life, the contrary circumstances, the seeming odds and the impossibilities, you can make it to the top. You can surmount the insurmountable. You can overcome the overwhelming. You can succeed where others have failed. You can cross where others have hither to crashed. You can reach that goal God has set for you. You can impact your world for good. You can touch a life for the better. You can obtain the unattainable and achieve the incredible. Yes, you can achieve great feats in life. Your life can get better. You can shed that weight. You can move up the ladder. You can go from the end of the tether to the top of the ladder. You can dream and dare. You can get to your promise land.


Caleb says, "Let us get up at once..." No waste of time. No delays. No rigmaroling. No dilly dallying. No procrastinating. Let's be quick about it. It's a divine urgency. Get up and go at once. Do it right away.

Caleb says, "Possess it..." Go for it. Possess your possession. It's possible. It's doable.

Caleb says, "For we are well able to overcome it."

Yes, you are well able. You have what it takes. You can overcome. You will make it to the other side. Banish fear and self-inhibiting excuses, and swing into action. You can get it done. So do it.

Motivate everyone around you. Inspire your team. Encourage corporate action and foster group spirit.

There are challenges, but you are well able. There are giants to conquer, but you are well able. Like Obama would say, Yes, We Can! Amen.

by Bishop Moses E. Peter