Lifechangers Women Fellowship Int'l has been designed by God to enable us to discover our mission and recover our sense of essence and destiny.
Discover your essence - Know who you are in Christ
Discover your destiny - Know that you are not a lesser being for being a woman - you are not inferior because of being a woman. Know your place and role in life. Know that your identity and destiny are connected. Who you are in Christ and what you are called to do are tied together. It is always associated with who you are. It is about BEING and DOING.
Knowing we are different from our male folks already positions us to live free of competition and comparison with men. Also, knowing that you are a Christian woman means that you are uniquely different from other women in the world.
Every Tuesday
From 10am (WAT) to 12pm
Our weekly fellowship time to study in depth about different topics in light of the Word of God while we enjoy one another's company in His presence, share testimonies to encourage each other, and pray for every member in our midst.
Every year we organise our day-long seminars to bring more women together to celebrate the goodness of God among us. Our programmes are rich in teaching, learning, interactions, prayers and a lot of fun in the presence of the Lord.
Every last Friday of the Month - our Tarry Night
Starting at 10pm (WAT) until the Holy Spirit is leading us through the night
This is our monthly meeting when we come together to worship the Lord, to pray and meditate on the our learning from the Bible. Awesome prayer nights for breakthroughs we all need.

There is no room for competition, only room for expression. You were created, redeemed and called for a purpose: "And she shall be called woman." Subordination does not mean inferiority and equality in Christ calls for mutual respect, not for rubbing shoulders or acting indifferently or arrogantly. Man and woman are made equal in Jesus, though differing in their marital roles. Woman is a man's opposite or counterpart, and in that light, God intends that we compliment each other rather than compete with one another. God designed us to be the 'help' men need. Men have need; women have grace. God placed us in their lives to help them, not hurt or destroy them.
Lifechangers Women Fellowship is a non-denominational fellowship of women from all walks of life, women from around the world.
We gather to pray, to interact, to ask questions and get answers on life and family matters such as children and their growing up, and to teach women how to practise the presence of God on a daily basis.

For more information & counselling

Your world is waiting for your manifestation.
Tell yourself: "God, You can count and depend on me."
Yes, He can and He will use you.
Our Mission Statement
- To make every home an altar unto the Lord
- To serve as God's catalysts for change in women's lives
- To assist the single ladies to live fulfilled, purposefully and happy while single and also when married
- To encourage women to be committed in the work of the ministry in their local churches (not to open churches) and to be part of the move of God in this end time
- To bring together women who are broken and hungry for God, women who are God-chasers, whose hearts are after God. and women who believe that marriage is meant to be enjoyed, not endured
Come and join the ELECT LADIES to make an impact on our generation!
Lifechangers Women International Conferences
We gathered for the glory of the Lord, praising Him, learning more from Him, in sweet fellowship with all God-Seekers on site and online from all around the world.
We empowered 13 women, within our programme, to help them to set up and/or enhance their businesses, to provide for their needs and their families.
God is good and faithful!
Join us THIS YEAR for another extraordinary event!