Poetry Corner with P. H. Mathis

Paula H. Mathis

Paula Hurndon Mathis was born and raised in Washington, DC. After high school she attended college where her talents in communication, specifically writing, would surface. However, after three years and never declaring a major, Paula would close one door and open another. As mother of four and wife, Paula would settle in to raise her children alongside her husband but never losing the thirst to express herself through writing. 

Read more about Paula here...


By P.H. Mathis

I gave you a face

To look like Me

I gave you a place

To walk and be

Advocates amidst the prevailing gloom

Of things seen and unseen

Groom yourselves for the new illumination

No spot or wrinkle to find

The earthly face I sent to replace

Disciples - you are Mine

Vehicles revealing My truth

Vessels containing My essence

Voices exclaiming My presence

In the earth as it is in Heaven

Speak, plead, and argue My case

In a world deceived by the adversary's face

His status for sure - is out of place

My truth transcends his lies

My truth no longer disguised

My truth they'll see in your eyes

You are My body in this place

A oneness no darkness can erase

The gates of hell will not prevail

My illuminating presence in you

As you represent good over evil

As you represent truth over lies

As you represent love over hate

As you represent Me in this place

For I gave you a face

To look like Mine

I gave you a place

To be loving and kind

I gave Fruit connected to My vine

As you represent Me in this place

Oh, as you continue to show the world My face - in yours

As you represent Me – in this place.

"I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me; I am praying for them." "I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word; that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."

(John 17:6-9;21)

The Holy Spirit, My Constant Companion and Friend

By P. H. Mathis

Oh, this love my Companion does bring to me.

He stirs my soul and I shout songs of jubilee!

Just knowing His presence is wherever I am,

as He talks with me and holds my hand.

A friend that requires nothing of me,

accepting my flaws and vulnerabilities.

Providing comfort when I am sad,

then creating a shield for which I am glad,

just knowing He protects and covers me,

I am blessed beyond measure to a higher degree.

Why – because my Companion does live in me!

So, with Him in me there is no emptiness,

I'm completed in His indwelling Spirit and righteousness.

My cup, it runs over from all He provides,

released to the world when He did arrive.

Straight down from Heaven to feel the void,

as Jesus ascended His Spirit deployed,

to cover the multitude that we sometimes can't comprehend,

was this gift from Christ Jesus – His Spirit,

my constant Companion and Friend!

"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with

you forever— the Spirit of truth, …for He dwells with you and will be in you." 

(John 14:16-17)

It Ain't What It Looks Like!

By P. H. Mathis

It ain't what it looks like I know it can't be

Oh, my eyes do deceive as this vision cripples me

But it's the unseen things that I must give focus

And not what's revealed in this gloomy prognosis

It just ain't what it looks like I know it can't be

All the things that He did in this short time for me

His mercy, love and grace and that soft spoken voice

Determined to tell all that He was God's choice

Oh, it ain't what it looks like I know it can't be

Was there something to prevent what occurred before me

As I watched His blood flow down with intentional persistence

At this predestined occurrence that would shake man's very existence

The Resurrection and the Life was the Father's love in the flesh

Ensuring that if we believe we would pass life's test

And our salvation would be secured in the sacrifice Christ underwent

An occurrence to embrace daily and not only a seasonal event

So it is what it looked like my eyes didn't deceive

'Cause what happened on the cross would fulfill God's decree

The Savior He did send to set the captives free

So God's purpose would be fulfilled to the highest degree

Therefore it did have to happen 

Jesus had to go away

Because the Promise of His Spirit would not be ours

If Jesus Christ had stayed.

Matthew 27:32-54

A Resurrection Reflection

By P. H. Mathis

The Lord of the resurrection day

Did bestow more than mere words could say

Bound with a mandate from heaven above

His act of benevolence was on display

And mighty was that sacrifice we remember today

He was ransom for our release

Suffered the penalty so all sin could cease

His atoning presence on the Cross of despair

Did cleanse the anguish of disease

Gave justification to all who would receive

Gives access to the throne room of Grace

And a promise to see Him face to face

Suppressed the attempts of the evil one

Moves mountains out of our way

He opens doors no man could close

Oh - what more can this reflection say

He taught and wept - His promises He kept

He fished and fed with one loaf of bread

He's the gift that keeps on giving

If you drink of Him you will never thirst

If you pray to Him He hears you

He left a gift when He went away

That even lives inside you

If you have a question just ask Him

If you cry a tear He'll dry it

If you want a hug He's got one for you

I'm witness so just try it

Jesus – Lord of the resurrection day

Truly continues to do more than this reflection can say

Just meditate on the things in your life you know could never be

Without the sacrifice we remember today on the Cross at Calvary.

Inspired by Psalm 7:17

"I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness and justice,

And I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High." (AMP) 

The Simple Things - A Song of Thanksgiving

By P. H. Mathis

The air that we breathe in - each day that we live

Clouds we look up to – Oh God that you give

Ground that supports - our feet as we walk

These are the simple things – we fail to give thought

Earth, sun and moon

That give shelter and light

There's 24 hours - to get this life – right

Oceans and mountains - the sky up above

The simple things given - to us by Your love

Oh I thank You

Oh I love You

How I pray they could see

The simple things that you do daily for free

You do them for all – and not just for me!

Family and friends - so we won't be alone

The example in Jesus - to help us atone

Our hearts, hands and eyes Your design did provide

Your Word in the Bible - to use as our guide

Your presence – that gift – you left to Your own

A friend like none other - in us made His home

A love so tremendous – that forgives and forgives

God - You sacrificed your Son so that others could live!

Oh I thank You

Oh I love You

How I pray they could see

The simple things that you do daily for free

You do them for all – and not just for me!

The food on the table – the bed where I rest

The clothes in the closet – allow me to dress

Prepared – You have made us - provisions are mine

Attached to the LIFE FORCE - the Fruit and the Vine

A home has been made – when this life is no more

Emanuel's birth has evened the score

Your mercy we have – when we open our eyes

Your loves like none other - no man could provide

Forgiving the sins - inherited by one

The slate is now CLEANED - by the only Begotten Son

Ransomed, renewed, saved and forgiven

Reconciled to you God - as each nail was driven

Oh I thank You - Oh I love You - How I pray they will see

The simple things that YOU do daily – for free

You CONTINUE to do – and not just for me.

Under the inspiration of John 3:16 & Matt. 1:23

"For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] [a]only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life." (AMP)

"Behold, the [a]virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel"—which, when translated, means, "God with us." (AMP) 

The Promise in the Birth

By P. H. Mathis

The world has twisted what many don't know

Comprehension is void at best

The real in the gift presented that day

Would put Satan's threats to the test

His head would be crushed - by Immanuel

The war he would surely lose

The manger did hold heaven's arsenal

The Gift that God would choose

A babe lying in a manger

Sent down from heaven above

Reversed the curse for all mankind

The expression of God's - true love

He'd seek and save the lost ones

In dark no longer they'd hide

The Light whose beam would extinguish their dark

Would always be - by their side

Giving life here in the earthly realm

With promise that there is more

Salvation's guarantee is ours through Him

God's gift – a redeeming joy

He filled what was – unfillable

He suffered what we could not

He loved in the midst of hatred

He gave as a sacrifice

His blood has redeeming power

He dries the tears we cry

He's life water - if we thirst for Him

Ensuring we are never dry

He can – when we cannot

He will – if you believe

Immanuel has promised gifts - that's if you will receive

The stain of sin removed in Him - Salvation's guarantee

The world did twist the story

Tradition has choked its worth

Declare the gospel message in the land

Breathe Jesus - back in the earth

Declare the gospel message – beloved – Breathe Jesus back in the earth.