Studying the Bible

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God" 

Paul tells Timothy, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2Tim.2:15).

Also he says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2Tim.3:16).

Christians are the people of the Book - the Bible. We live by it. The word of God is our life. We live by the word that proceeds from the mouth of God. There is no Christianity without the Holy Scripture. By the Spirit-breathed Scripture we spiritually breathe. So the study of Scripture has no substitute for the Christian believer.

By the study of the word of God we feed and nourish our souls and enrich our lives.

I learned long ago that we can personally benefit from our study of the Scripture by looking at the words, Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, and Instruction. The Scripture is profitable in these four dimensions.

  • Doctrine speaks of what to know.
  • Reproof tells of what not to do.
  • Correction is about what to do better.
  • Finally, instruction is about what to do.

To know God's word is to be informed, and to be well informed means to be morally formed and spiritually armed - even transformed by the Spirit of God.

When you read the Scripture always ask yourself these fundamental questions:

What is there for me to know and learn - what truth is being taught? What is it that I must stop doing - that bad habit, that sinful act, that evil thought, that erroneous belief, or that false lifestyle?

What must I begin to do better - that area I need to improve, that good work I must take to the next level, etc?

What is God telling me to do - that line of action I need to take, that important decision I need to make, that path I need to follow, that instruction of the Spirit that calls for my obedience?

Read, for example, the story of the Four Lepers or that of the Good Samaritan, and ask yourself those four basic questions, and you will be amazed at the kind of change that takes place on the inside of you. You will spiritually improve and advance in your walk with God.

I pray that from today your desire to read and study the Scriptures will increase and your spiritual life greatly enhanced. I pray God to open your eyes to behold wonderful things from the Word of God. Amen.